The Judge's Stand | Aurora Historical Society

The Judge's Stand

The Hamlin Farm Judge's Stand
Absolute Care of Aurora Park
Parking Lot
292 Main Street, East Aurora

The Judge’s Stand was at the 5/8-mile race track at Cicero Hamlin’s Village Farm, which once operated on the north side of Main Street near The Circle. Hamlin became world famous for raising championship racehorses, including Mambrino King, and helped put East Aurora on the map. From the 1850s through the 1905s, visitors came from around the world to see his farm and horses. The Judge’s Stand, which is now owned by the Aurora Historical Society, was preserved. It stood at The Circle for many years before the Aurora Historical Society restored it and moved the structure to the grounds of Absolut Care of Aurora Park in 1969. The Judge’s Stand is the inspiration for the Aurora Historical Society's logo.